Bite pictures (Mosquito)
A short explanation of what you see on those pictures. All of those pictures present a regular mosquito bite scenario. First of all, a mosquito lands on its victims skin and starts drilling – that is the scientific name for mosquito biting process. Let’s define that process as getting threw the top layer of the skin – meaning biting threw. The second phase, blood sucking – you can see it in the second picture of our mosquito bite picture series, when biting, it injects an anticoagulant (anti-clotting chemical) into the prey to keep the victim's blood flowing. The third mosquito bite picture series shows the end of blood drinking process and ejecting the so called proboscis out of victim’s skin. Ant finally – the last picture of our mosquito bite picture series is an outcome, a regular reaction to a mosquito bite – a pimple, or if you like a blotch. The very last mosquito bite picture displays a regular skin reaction, keep in mind that reactions can vary depending on many factors.
If you have, send us your mosquito bite pictures under: we will definitely post them online.
Mosquito bite picture nr. 1 - drilling the skin.
Another mosquito bite picture.
Same bite, same mosquito, just a bit closer.
This is how skin looks after a mosquito bite.