Anti mosquito software
This program produces sound in the range of 16000Hz to 20000Hz which is beyond the audible range of humans. Pests and other animals can though hear the very same frequency.
Remember that buzzing sound that exert from your mobile phone speaker? Now it can be played over your PC speaker to get rid that nasty bugs away! Does it work? I strongly doubt!
Every bloodsucker will run for a shelter after hearing the hellish sounds of this utility. The working principles of the program are simple – it just generates the sound of particular frequency that mosquitoes can’t stand.
Ultrafobos is another anti mosquito program. Its objective is to emulate diverse ranks of frequencies that are annoying or act on the nervous system of mosquitoes, flies and other insects or animals, thus frightening them and forcing to move away from certain places.
Anti Mosquito II is new state of the art mobile software that will actively repel insects. You can now use your mobile phone to repel mosquitoes! Wherever you are, this mobile program will work hard to make you comfortable
Protect yourself from mosquitoes with this handy Palm program. Mosquito is one of those programs that comes along and makes original and innovative use of the technology available.